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06 June 2024

Constructive journalism works – and we can prove it. That was the message from news leaders from around the world, who gathered at the first ever Constructive Copenhagen Summit. Missed it? Read more on how newsrooms have battled news fatigue, dwindling sales and growing competition.

14 March 2024

At any global discussions on climate change, Africa often finds itself cast in the role of a victim, grappling with the impacts of a crisis it did little to cause. However, a recent visit to Kenya by fellows from the Constructive Institute shed light on a different perspective – one that challenges the prevailing negative narratives and positions Africa as a key player in climate solutions.

06 March 2024

The first fellow of the Constructive Journalism Fellowship of 2024-2025 has been appointed. The 36-year old Finnish journalist, Noora Mattila, will begin her fellowship at the independent journalistic center Constructive Institute, situated on the campus of Aarhus University, in September.

29 February 2024

Innovative climate learnings from the capital: When it comes to forward thinking on climate issues, there is no way around the Danish capital Copenhagen. The five Climate Explorers spent two days in the capital city and spoke to relevant politicians, institutions, media houses and think tanks about how climate change should be covered in the future.

20 February 2024

A giant misunderstanding in the media industry still defines the criterea of news. As the Norwegian scientist Johan Galtung passed away mid February 2024 at the age of 93, international news media mentioned him as the man behind the criteria, which journalists around the world to this day use to filter the world for the public: Conflict and sensation being two of them.Johan Galtung would have hated that this should be his legacy.

05 February 2024

As every year, our fellows went on a study tour to Silicon Valley. And we don’t want to withhold from you what they learned there, so read about the insights the fellows gained and how they experienced the fascinating ecosystem of Silicon Valley.

15 January 2024

With a new agreement that runs until 2027, TrygFonden and Constructive Institute will continue the collaboration of the two organizations to create a more constructive public conversation and strengthen national and local democratic development in Denmark.

15 December 2023

Constructive Institute’s new project – The Climate Explorer Program – is live now. At the start of the new year, five of the world’s most accomplished climate reporters from five continents will come together at Aarhus University in Denmark for five months to find new ways for news media to tell the most important story of our time.

06 October 2023
Constructive Institute receives grant from the Tuborg Foundation for a project on youth, media, and democracy

With the project “Generation News Avoidance,” Constructive Institute aims to equip the next generation to become critical media consumers, express themselves in public discourse, and actively participate in democracy.

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