Master Class in Constructive Journalism.

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We thank our donors for their loyalty and enthusiasm and look forward to working with new friends and business partners as we build a future for better journalism. By donating you will support our activities involving research, workshops and other initiatives. We routinely confirm all donations.

If you are based in Denmark, please use the DKK Account. If you are located outside of Denmark, please use the latter Euro account. Please mention “donation” and name/company name in the subject field of the wire transfer.

Company information

Constructive Foundation
Constructive Institute
Bartholins Allé 16
Building 1328, 1. Floor
8000 Aarhus C, Denmark
CVR: 38 36 08 09

Banking Information

DKK Account (Jyske Bank): 5061-0001137956


Euro Account (Jyske Bank): 5061-0001139051
IBAN-Number: DK8650610001139051

For reimbursement please download and fill out the reimbursement template.

Fonden Constructive Foundation (Constructive Institute) does not publish an annual activity report. Instead we refer to our website for an extensive presentation of all past and current activities. Our financial reports are publicly available and can be found here:

For any further inquiries feel free to contact us.