Master Class in Constructive Journalism.

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Application Closed

The call for applicants 2024/25 ended on April 24, 2024. You will hear from us soon, or we woud love to hear from you next year!

Constructive Journalism Fellowship


Constructive Institute offers 8 Danish fellowships funded by the four Danish foundations: TrygFonden, Novo Nordisk Fonden, Industriens Fond and William Demant Fonden.

These fellowships are for Danish journalists, editors, and media professionals only.

International fellows are welcome to apply for their own individual fellowship at Constructive Institute provided they have access to a stipend/funding that will support them financially during the fellowship. Please contact Constructive Institute for more information.

The Danish fellowships are thematic, based on the respective areas of interest of the supporting foundation.

Applicants who are granted a fellowship at Constructive Institute are asked to describe a project to pursue as a fellow which aligns with the mission of a specific foundation. Applicants are welcome to propose more than one project and to apply for more than one of the available fellowships.

Constructive Institute independently selects the fellows to the fellowship program from the group of applicants. The selection process is carried out in cooperation with news editors in Denmark and abroad and with lecturers of journalism programmes in Denmark. Consequently, the selection process is independent of the four foundations.

Below you will find details about the 8 Danish fellowships in Danish.

The Fellowships

TrygFonden – 3 fellowships

3 fellowships are funded by TrygFonden

Fellowship 1 and fellowship 2: 2 fellows will examine how to cover the development of local communities and local democracy.

They will focus on how local and regional media can contribute to supporting local communities in creating more engagement and involvement from citizens. Additionally, the project could involve local issues such as combating news deserts, studying local and hyperlocal journalism, and creating more user involvement in journalism.

Fellowship 3: 1 fellowship invites projects covering general issues such as security, health and well-being in Denmark. This includes studying the coverage of better mental health, positive communities, quality of living, security, disease prevention, crime prevention, participation in civil society and democracy and digital safety.

The fellowship can also focus on loneliness among vulnerable children and young people and it has an overall focus on general societal problems such as creating a better life for elderly people with a higher quality of life for next of kin for weakened elderly people. The applicant must describe one or more relevant projects.

Novo Nordisk Fonden – 3 fellowships

3 fellowships are funded by Novo Nordisk Fonden with a focus on areas related to health

Fellowship 1: The fellow must describe a project focusing the challenges that society faces when it comes to equity and the (financial) prioritizing in the health care system.

Fellowship 2: The fellows must examine the ethical dilemmas that society and the health care sector face in a time when advanced treatment methods and innovative medical discoveries.

Fellowship 3: The fellow must describe a project with a focus on life sciences and how the media reports on the research advances in fields such as biology and medicine.


The Danish Industry Foundation – 1 fellowship

1 fellowship is funded by The Danish Industry Foundation

The foundation aims to improve the green transition in order to to combat climate change and to make the Danish production sector more sustainable.

Fellowship 1: The fellow must describe a project that foucesses on the media’s current and future coverage of sustainable production.

William Demant Foundation – 1 fellowship

1 fellowship funded by The William Demant Foundation

The foundation supports general societal activities with a focus on research and knowledge within audiology.

Fellowship 1: The fellow must describe a project that investigates how the public conversation can be strengthened and what role the media could play.

Read in Danish

Bliv en af de 8 fellows i 2024-2025

Her er de 8 danske fellowships, som du kan søge på Constructive Institute 2024-2025.

Når du søger ind som fellow, er du velkommen til at søge et eller flere af de beskrevne fellowships.

De 8 fellowships for 2024-2025 er støttet af fire danske fonde, TrygFonden, Novo Nordisk Fonden, Industriens Fond og William Demant Fonden.

De fire fonde har hver deres fokusområder. De fellows, som bliver optaget på Constructive Institutes fellowships, skal arbejde med et projekt, der er relateret til et af de mange forskellige fokusområder, som de fire fonde tilsammen spænder over. Derfor bedes ansøgere angive, i hvilket omfang deres projekt på fellowshippet kan spille sammen med et eller flere af fondenes fokusområder.

Det skal understreges, at det er Constructive Institute, som uafhængigt står for udvælgelsen af fellows blandt de indkomne ansøgninger. Det sker i et samarbejde med et optagelsesudvalg, som består af redaktører og ledere på journalistuddannelser i både Danmark og i udlandet. De fire fonde deltager således ikke i udvælgelsen af fellows men har alene været med til at angive, hvilke temaer de gerne vil støtte fellowships.

Hvilket eller hvilke du søger, afhænger af, hvad det er for et journalistisk projekt, som du gerne vil arbejde med under fellowshippet.

Vil du eksempelvis gerne beskæftige dig med den journalistiske dækning af problemstillingen om prioriteringer i sundhedsvæsenet, vil det være naturligt at søge Novo Nordisk Fondens fellowship om netop det emne.

Vil du gerne beskæftige dig med den journalistiske dækning af bæredygtig produktion, er fellowshippet fra Industriens Fond det mest relevante.

Kommer du fra et lokalt eller regionalt medie, ville et af TrygFondens fellowship om udviklingen i lokalsamfund være oplagt.

Og du er som nævnt velkommen til at søge flere forskellige fellowships; du skal blot beskrive et projekt, du vil arbejde med, for hver enkelt fellowship, som du søger.

Du skal beskrive, hvilke spørgsmål du som fellow vil søge at finde svarene på inden for det emne, du vil sætte fokus på i det eller de fellowships, du søger. Og du skal beskrive, hvordan du forestiller dig at arbejde med projektet under fellowship programmet.



Fellowship 1 og fellowship 2: 2 fellows vil undersøge, hvordan man kan dække udviklingen af lokalsamfund og lokaldemokrati. De vil fokusere på, hvordan lokale og regionale medier kan bidrage til at støtte lokalsamfundene i at skabe større engagement og inddragelse af borgerne. Derudover kan projektet omfatte lokale spørgsmål som f.eks. bekæmpelse af nyhedsørkener, undersøgelse af lokal og hyperlokal journalistik og skabelse af større brugerinddragelse i journalistikken.

Fellowship 3: 1 fellowship indbyder til projekter, der dækker generelle emner som sikkerhed, sundhed og velfærd i Danmark. Dette omfatter undersøgelse af dækningen af bedre mental sundhed, positive fællesskaber, livskvalitet, sikkerhed, sygdomsforebyggelse, forebyggelse af kriminalitet, deltagelse i civilsamfundet og demokrati samt digital sikkerhed.

Fellowshippet kan også fokusere på ensomhed blandt udsatte børn og unge, og det har et overordnet fokus på generelle samfundsproblemer som f.eks. at skabe et bedre liv for ældre mennesker med en højere livskvalitet for pårørende til svækkede ældre mennesker. Ansøgeren skal beskrive et eller flere relevante projekter.


Novo Nordisk Fonden

3 fellowships finansieres af Novo Nordisk Fonden med fokus på sundhedsrelaterede områder:

Fellowship 1: Fellowen skal beskrive et projekt, der fokuserer på de udfordringer, som samfundet står over for, når det gælder lighed og (økonomisk) prioritering i sundhedssystemet.

Fellowship 2: Fellowen skal undersøge de etiske dilemmaer, som samfundet og sundhedssektoren står over for i en tid, hvor avancerede behandlingsmetoder og innovative medicinske opdagelser.

Fellowship 3: Fellowen skal beskrive et projekt med fokus på biovidenskab og på, hvordan medierne rapporterer om forskningsfremskridt inden for områder som biologi og medicin.


Industriens Fond

1 fellowship er finansieret af Industriens Fond. Fonden har til formål at forbedre den grønne omstilling for at bekæmpe klimaforandringer og gøre den danske produktionssektor mere bæredygtig.

Fellowship 1: Fellowen skal beskrive et projekt, der beskæftiger sig med mediernes nuværende og fremtidige dækning af bæredygtig produktion.


William Demant Fonden

1 stipendium finansieret af William Demant Fonden. Fonden støtter generelle samfundsaktiviteter med fokus på forskning og viden inden for audiologi.

Fellowship 1: Stipendiaten skal beskrive et projekt, der undersøger, hvordan den offentlige samtale kan styrkes, og hvilken rolle medierne kan spille i dette.


Read More About The Fellowship

So far, journalists and editors from Australia, Germany, Brazil and Finland have participated in the fellowship program. For the fellowship year of 2024-2025, yet another Finnish journalist will be participating with funding from a news foundation in Finland. There are still available positions as a fellow providing the issue of funding is settled.

Do feel free to write to if you have questions about this.



To apply, all applicants must send an email to (All applications must be submitted in English). Candidates must submit the following information as part of their application:

1. Letter of motivation.

The applicants are required to write a letter of motivation in which they describe why they would like to become a fellow at the Constructive Institute. Candidates should describe how they would like to spend their year at Aarhus, explaining what fields they plan to study and what is the driving question/problem that will define their fellowship year. The personal statement should not exceed two pages.

2. Employer’s agreement.

The applicant must attach a declaration from their current employer, stating that the employee can return to their current, or a similar job at their organisation once the fellowship has finished. One of the purposes of the programme is for the fellows to introduce the idea of constructive journalism at their news media once they return from the fellowship. The letter should be duly signed by the fellows supervisor / manager or by the department of Human Resources.

3. Letters of recommendation.

Two confidential letters of recommendation are required for the candidature, one of which must be from the applicant’s current or former employer. These letters should describe the applicant’s abilities and potential for professional growth and leadership.

4. Curriculum vitae.

All applicants are required to attach a detailed and the most up the date CV to their application.

5. Sample of work.

We ask all candidates to please include or link to two samples of your most recent published work.

Note that they do not need to be constructive journalism pieces.

Print and online journalists: please include a link to your work or include two articles in .pdf form in your application email.

Broadcast journalists: please include a link to your work or upload two video or audio files of up to 70 MB via a file transfer system (WeTransfer to, indicating your full name and contact details.

*Important! All files should clearly indicate your full name


Questions about the application process may be sent to or call head of Fellowship Orla Borg on +45 40 10 46 89.



The deadline to submit your application is 24 April 2024 at 12:00.

If you have been selected for an interview, you will receive an invitation in May.

All applicants will be notified of the final decision no later than 1 June 2024. Successful candidates will be expected to move to Aarhus in August 2024.

The starting date of the fellowship will be on Monday 26 August 2024.

Send Your Application

Apply by sending your application to

Be sure to include the following 5 elements:

1. Letter of motivation
2. Employer’s agreement
3. Letters of recommendation
4. Curriculum vitae
5. Sample of work

*Important! The email subject line must be: “Application: followed by your name”

Open Email

Hear from former fellows

Check out our YouTube channel for more insights from our fellowship network.

Kamilla Gamborg Isaksen (’22) on being a “younger” fellow
Anja Thordal (’22) on her time as a fellow
Bjarke Calvin (’22) on his experiences with the fellowship
Rikke Mathiassen (’21) on academic studies
Hans-Christian Lauritzen (’21) on the Fellowship
Henrik Grunnet (’19) on bringing a new mindset back to work
Kristina Lund Jørgensen (’19) on how the fellowship can affect your journalism
Morten Vestergaard (’19) on 10 months without deadlines