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Global Future of Journalism Award 2022

Winners of the Global Future of Journalism Award

Global Future of Journalism Award 2022


You get what you praise. That truth goes for raising children, for changing mindsets in newsrooms, and for giving out prestigious awards. For years the Pulitzers and other big journalistic prizes have favoured great journalism with the single focus to highlight problems in society, document wrong doings and call out villains. The Global Future of Journalism Award is far from that. With this award, Solution Journalism Network in USA, the Bonn Institute in Germany and Constructive Institute join forces to praise innovative reporting. Journalism that goes beyond the important task of digging out challenges in society and takes the next steps, offering nuances and potential solutions to the same problems.

The 2022 winner is the Polish-based non profit news magazine Outriders for their focus on combining critical coverage of important problems and inspiring solutions. Outriders are pioneers in constructive journalism. One of their investigations took place in Sri Lanka, where the Spanish bon reporter Lola Garcia-Ajofrin looked into the local problems of human/elephant conflict involving the deaths of citizens and the killings of the elephants. In this multimedia coverage using video, photos, text and graphics, Outriders serves as a template for constructive reporting: Problem, facts, nuances, perspectives, potential solutions and engagement.




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