Are you a journalist working with solutions oriented journalism? Then you can apply to be part of the Grant Program. Contact Project Lead Cynara Vetch for more information.
Solutions Journalism Europe
SoJo Europe is a partnership program between Transitions, Journalismfund Europe, SEENPM, Constructive Institute and the European Union that promotes solutions journalism.
Apply now
The activities within the SoJo Europe program consist of study tours, a grant program, international conferences and a training and mentoring program for journalists.
Activities in SoJo Europe

Read about our last SoJo Europe Summit here.

Read about our Scandinavian Study Tour here.

Read about our Grant Program below.
Grant Program
The aim of the Grant Program is to foster greater constructive collaboration among newsrooms across Europe.
This program responds to the need for greater collaboration among European newsrooms both to learn from best practices and also to launch collaborative projects to enrich their content offerings. It is especially crucial to break down barriers among regions in Europe and develop further cooperation between newsrooms in Central/Eastern Europe and Scandinavia. These grants aim to increase the connections and cooperation between Western & Northern practitioners of solutions/constructive journalism and their counterparts in Central and Eastern Europe. It is a response to the need of newsrooms to expand their horizons beyond their own countries and regions to learn best practices and engage in meaningful constructive journalism projects.
What to include in your application?
Project outline
Method and timing
How will your journalism find an audience?
To read the description as a pdf, click here
Contact us here for more information:
Cynara Vetch, International Project Lead, Constructive Institute
Peter Damgaard Kristensen, COO, Constructive Institute