Help the Youth Engage With Democracy
Generation News Avoidance is a project funded by Tuborgfondet that runs until December 2024. Throughout the year we will visit a wide range of Danish schools (gymnasier, efterskoler, højskoler, FGU’er etc.) to hold workshops in constructive journalism and talk about the role of media in democracy. Research shows that selective news avoidance is an increasing issue across countries and that self-declared interest in news is lower amongst women and younger people. This is challenging not only for media companies, but also for the public democratic conversation.
The Generation News Avoidance Tour
Our goal is to reach 6.000 students across Denmark by the end of 2024.
Reports show that selective news avoidance is an increasing issue across countries and that selfdeclared interest in news is lower amongst women and younger people. This is challenging not only for media companies, but also the public democratic conversation.
By teaching the students about the role of media in democracy and giving them concrete tools to make their own journalistic stories we hope to increase both the media literacy and democratic self-confidence amongst future generations.
Examples of the students’ stories
Are you an educator of students aged 16 – 30 years? Then you can book a workshop in 2024. We are flexible regarding the number of students and the time frame, so do not hesitate to contact project manager Jesper Himmelstrup to arrange the format that suits you and your students best.