Browse constructive journalism examples and instructive case studies from around the world. If you have an example for us to include, share it here.

Die Welt: How to Cover Corona
Using a historical perspective the journalist describes the three big financial crashes of the last 100 years and tries to identify some learning points. These previous events may offer offer insights into what the corona crisis will mean for the world’s stock markets.
How To Build a Constructive Newsroom
How to build a constructive newsroom? In 2019 TV2 Fyn decided to develop the world’s first constructive newsroom. The regional tv station has the goal of changing the news culture across their different departments by 2020.
How To Connect People in Polarized Communities?
Deustchland Spricht was initiated by the repsected German news website ZEIT ONLINE as an answer to the central question “At a time in which significant parts of society have forgotten to talk to each other, how can we restart the conversation?”
How To Develop Digital News Media With a Constructive News Culture
The media startup Zetland embodies a constructive journalism culture which is present in all aspects of the business.
How To Edit “A Stream” of Constructive Stories
The Upside is the Guardian’s constructive journalism “stream”. It is solutions focused reporting “that seeks out answers, solutions, movements and initiatives to address the biggest problems besetting the world”.
How To Embrace Nuance in Political Coverage
The respected Danish Daily newspaper Berlingske wanted to approach the 2019 Danish election with a different tactic.
How To Host A Civil And Curious Political Debate Show
How to host a debate show where participants listen to one another instead of scoring points? The Norwegian national broadcaster NRK launched a political debate show where guests find points of connection rather than ways to discredit one another.
How To Incorporate Solution Focused Stories into Radio Newscasts
“Perspektiven has generated the largest feedback from the audience that the channel has ever received,” says Adrian Feuerbacher, journalist at NDR.
How To Make a Local Newspaper Relevant To Its Community
The constructive approach made an impact on the bottom line as well, subscriptions to the digital newspaper also rose and continue to rise.